Join the Talent Show

tal·ent show


A show or competition consisting of performances by a series of amateur entertainers


It’s not about one or two people posting everything.  It’s a community.

If you’d like to be featured in the talent show, fill out the form below and we’ll review it. Simply tell us a little bit about your idea in the comment section. Then, from there, we will contact you at the email provided with further instructions for submitting your work. We review each submission that comes to us as soon as we can, but do not give feedback or editing of work we choose not to publish. If you don’t hear back from us within two weeks, please contact us to check on the status of your submission.

A few things to keep in mind (Terms and Conditions):

  1. Make sure for any uploaded files, the name is the title of the piece. Do not title your file as “backyardtalentshow.docx”.
  2. Do not submit the same work more than once.
  3. Your work must be in final form. Do not submit drafts or partial work. If we decide to add your piece to the site, we will work further with you as needed.
  4. If you are submitting an anonymous piece, you must so specify in the submission form. However, if using a pen name, you must provide a first and last name. Please specify how you would like your name to appear for the post.
  5. Be yourself. If you want to do something in a format you don’t see on BYTS currently, go ahead send it to us. We’d love to help you get your work out there.
  6. While we’re all for authenticity and being real, we ask that submissions for BYTS be appropriate for anyone as young as the age of 13. If any material is deemed unsuitable for the blog, we will not publish it. If, however, in special cases we feel such content is warranted and the piece would be hindered without it, we will be more lenient to allow such content.
  7. As  of writing this, we do not compensate any contributor for their submissions other than posting and linking to our social media accounts.
  8. By allowing us to post your content on this website, you acknowledge our use of your content and subsequent posting on our various social-media accounts.
  9. It  is your responsibility to make sure that all content is your own or is being used properly with all appropriate rights acquired.  Any content found to be in conflict with this will be taken down and will also result in the contributor potentially being prohibited from submitting further content.